
Debbie Happe is Chief Client Officer

We’re thrilled to announce the promotion of Debbie Happe to Chief Client Officer. She joins a team of five women now leading Deskey in its exciting new chapter as a WBENC certified branding agency.

Debbie joined Deskey in 2008 and has positively impacted the Client Service team ever since. Her ability to make connections and grow relationships — both internal and external — is second to none.

“I love building relationships,” she says. “I love watching my clients react viscerally, knowing what is appealing to them, feeling confident with the depth of strategy and the beauty of the design we deliver.” she adds.

Her unshakable confidence puts clients and co-workers alike at ease — trusting her to help quiet the voices in their heads and bring order to their world. Through her wicked business acumen and ability to adapt, excel, and manage solutions through this rapidly changing world, Debbie provides guidance and delivers results no matter what the situation may be.

“One of the best compliments I ever received wasn’t said out loud, but it was when I knew my client considered me a member of their team.” she said. “When I knew the client trusted me with their thoughts, ideas and processes, and they gave me the freedom and flexibility to translate what I heard as a need into something tangible. That trust, being an extension of their work, is awesome.”

Becky Hyde-Nordloh, Deskey CEO and owner adds, “I have full confidence with Debbie leading the client services team at Deskey. When clients feel like something is wrong they know Debbie will guide them to the right questions and answers. She sees around corners that most people didn’t even know were there. It’s pretty amazing.”

Debbie studied Early Childhood Education at The Ohio State University. That education, combined with her years at ad agencies and in Marketing Ops, has defined her unique perspective and approach to the branding world.

Deskey is a better place with her and so lucky to be in Debbie’s capable hands. Cheers!

About the Author
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Written by Deskey. The people – not the corporate entity. We are collective to the point of co-dependence, but that’s ok because when we come together, we always create something better than any one mortal could on their own.